Road to digital: What are the obstacles for SMEs and SMPs?

The COVID pandemic has reinforced the case for SME digitalisation by showing how digitalised business models can foster SMEs’ resilience. What are the main challenges for SME digitalisation? Accountancy Europe conducted a survey to find out. Some of the survey results: The most important obstacle to SMEs’ digitalisation identified was existing employees’ skill set deficiencies…

One in five small business owners struggling with mental health issues after a year of disruption

Small business owners are reporting a mental health and welfare crisis as they wage a constant battle to save their businesses, according to a survey from ACCA UK (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and The Corporate Finance Network (CFN). Kirsty McGregor, founder of The Corporate Finance Network, said: ‘It’s a concern that SMEs are…

Bridging expectations: what NFI from SMEs?

Accountancy Europe announced webinar «Bridging expectations: what NFI from SMEs?». It will take place 18 March 2021, 10:00-11:00. It is planned to debate how new rules on reporting non-financial information (NFI) might affect SMEs. With the help of  European Association of Cooperative Banks (EACB), Accountancy Europe is developing a checklist for accountants to help SME…

EFAA International Conference 2021

EFAA has announced a conference called “Smarter, Stronger, Sustainable: The Future of  Small-  and Medim- Sized. Accountancy Practices Post COVID-19”. “Small- and Medium-Sized Practices Post COVID-19 stand to play a crucial role in helping SMEs recover from the coronavirus crisis, build their resilience and ensure their digital and sustainable transition.” — said in a press…

IFAC: Save the SMEs

Alan Johnson, President of the International Federation of Accountants in interview to ACCOUNTANCY IRELAND (FEBRUARY/MARCH 2021) said: “area of focus is what I call ‘Save the SMEs’. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are critical to every economy, large or small. Big corporate get lots of attention, but we often forget that big corporate not only…

Risk checklist for SME accountants

Accountancy Europe has posted a fact sheet “SME risk management: insolvency” for accountants on its website. «We highlight the role that professional accountants can play in managing and preparing for the risks, identifying red flags to better advise their SME clients», — noted by the authors. This paper – part of  SME risk management project series…

Підтримка доступу МСП до COVID-фінансування за допомогою професійних консультацій

ACCA підтримала ініціативу SMEunited, Accountancy Europe та  EFAA забезпечити МСП можливість отримати професійні консультації, які б допомогли таким підприємствам їм визначити найбільш підходящі варіанти підтримки (у тому числі і фінансування) для відновлення після COVID-19. До цього спонукало кілька проблем: МСП часто не мають часу, спроможності чи знань, щоб визначити доступні для них джерела фінансування та…